Funny Letters From Dogs

A Letter From Dooley The Dog

Dear Burger Place,

I would like to thank you for being the place that burgers come from. Why you ask? Well let me share "a short tail" with you. The other day my pet sitter walked into my house holding a yellow item of food which she called a "banana." It looked harmless, and actually quite yummy. "Hi Dooley!," she gleefully shouted. Would you like a piece of this banana?" She made it sound so enticing, that I took a bite. And Whoa, I really regretted it. Bananas are really yucky, so I spent most of the day trying to get that eerie scent out of my head. Since I can't talk, all I could do was frantically shake my head and frown. Well, she apparently got the message and left, then  returned with a special "I'm sorry” treat. When she opened the door, I could see that she was holding an amazingly delicious burger in her hand. Then the light from outside landed on top of it creating a kind of food halo. "Would you like a piece of this burger Dooley?" Why yes, yes I would you little "banana pusher." One bite, and I was cured. That banana taste was gone forever. So once again, thank you burger place, for being the place where burgers come from!

Love always,

Dooley The Dog



A Letter From Blaze The Dog

Dear Outside,

You are the best! I love it when you toss random squirrels across my path as soon as I step into my backyard. That brightens my day. Although I would like to catch one occasionally, just freaking them out and scaring the "morning biscuits" out of them for a brief moment, also works. You are the greatest. Keep up the awesome work. Peace. 😎Blaze 
